REMEMBERING TOMIE on November 12, 2020

Tomie had a special relationship with Philip Pullman. Philip Pullman made this foldable menu/cookbook stand for Tomie from one piece of wood.

Tomie had dedicated his book, JACK: “For my friend Philip Pullman, who draws, and carves, and writes wonderful books.”

Although I didn’t find the note, Philip Pullman once wrote to Tomie and said Tomie’s artwork looked as good upside down as right side up. Tomie considered the remark high praise.

Philip Pullman’s thank you for the JACK dedication read in part: “I’m very proud to see my name in your JACK, because of the long admiration I’ve felt for your gifts of storytelling and illustration. Your soft strong line is unique and lovely - there’s such depth of sensuous pleasure in the way you lay the colours on the paper - and the tale has all the clarity and strength of the best folk tales.”

Tomie loved all of Philip Pullman’s books, especially the “His Dark Materials” trilogy, the “Sally Lockhart” mysteries, and FAIRY TALES FROM THE BROTHERS GRIMM.

I noticed yesterday that Season 2 of “His Dark Materials” begins Monday, November 16, on HBO. Tomie was so excited by the first season, it’s sad that he won’t see the second season.

When Tomie was in the hospital several years ago for 15 days, I was with him in the ICU when friend Steve visited. Tomie was coming down from drugs and shared that he had seen dust that past night. Steve looked up to the ceiling and sure enough over Tomie’s bed, there was dust. But, I had a feeling Tomie was talking about “dust” from “His Dark Materials.”

I asked Tomie after he returned home if the dust he mentioned was literal or a Philip Pullman reference. It was the latter. (Bob)

Pray for Peace, Justice, and Equality

An Orderly Transition would be nice, too.

Philip Pullman Cookbook Stand.jpg