REMEMBERING TOMIE on July 24, 2020

One of Tomie’s favorite media escorts was Kathi Kamen Goldmark in the Bay Area of California. Kathi had ties to the world of rock ‘n’ roll, and was instrumental in forming a band of authors called the Rock Bottom Remainders. Stephen King, Amy Tan, Dave Barry, and Barbara Kingsolver were some of the band members. The group was scheduled to perform for the first time at a booksellers’ and publishers’ convention in the Los Angeles area in the early ‘90s. Kathi asked Tomie to be First Kazooist, an honor indeed. But Tomie arrived in Los Angeles, after a tour of West Coast bookstores, with laryngitis and couldn’t kazoo to the best of his abilities. So, he didn’t perform with the group. Some years later, Kathi organized a two-CD set called “Stranger Than Fiction,” featuring the Wrockers. The Wrockers included book industry folks: Maya Angelou, Ken Follett, Molly Ivins, Norman Mailer, Robert Reich, Jessica Mitford, Tomie, and many others. Tomie went to a recording studio in New York City to record his track with backup singers. Tomie’s bio read: “When he was three years old, he wanted to be Shirley Temple. This is his chance.” Tomie sang “On the Good Ship Lollipop.” “Stranger Than Fiction” and Tomie’s single are available on iTunes, Google Play Music, Spotify, and elsewhere. I haven’t found Tomie’s instrument - the kazoo - in his studio, but I imagine I will someday. (Bob) Pray for Peace, Justice, and Equality.

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