REMEMBERING TOMIE on July 26, 2020

(Illustration from the book, ONCE UPON A DINKELSBUHL, by Patricia Lee Gauch, illustrated by Tomie, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, Copyright 1977.) The above caption: In this German legend told by Patricia Lee Gauch, a girl dissuades the attacking soldiers with kindness. It was one of many children’s book illustrations in the 1992 Peace Calendar from the War Resisters League. Pauline Lurie, editor, wrote… “We suggest these books, poems, illustrations and lyrics as an antidote to the loud and shrill messages our kids hear so often. These marvelous works have been created by artists who believe that their work can make a difference, that reading is a pleasure and that our children, our future, must be treated with respect.” An illustration from Tomie’s book, THE HUNTER AND THE ANIMALS, was used on the cover of the calendar. HUNTER is currently out-of-print and publishers are too anxious to bring it back into print in today’s world. (Bob) Pray for Peace, Justice, and Equality

Peace Calendar 1992.jpg