REMEMBERING TOMIE on August 16, 2020

Tomie was invited to visit the Jakarta International School. His friend, illustrator Trina Schart Hyman, encouraged him to accept the invitation to travel to Jakarta in February, 1993. Her reasoning: Significant travel expenses would be paid that get you close to Bali. Tomie took Trina’s advice and went to Bali after his week in Jakarta. He quickly adapted to the Balinese style of wearing a sarong. He was revered and respected because of his age… and his belly. He returned home with a suitcase full of sarongs and the intention of wearing them every day. Soon after he returned, the boxes from Bali began to be delivered filled with traditional Balinese bamboo weathervanes. There’s a name for such a weathervane/wind chime/whirligig, but I can’t determine it. The weathervanes were placed in the meadow. I can’t remember if they were supposed to ward off something, or if their purpose was simply visual and auditory. Tomie loved their sound and I disliked the loud racket. It didn’t take long for the wind to destroy them all. As to the daily wearing of a sarong, it didn’t happen. One of the cashiers at the grocery store would often ask me, “What’s he up to NOW?” I never had to reply, “Sarongs.” (Bob)

Pray for Peace, Justice, and Equality
